A Comprehensive Guide on Anadrol Cycle

Anadrol is commonly known as Oxymetholone. It is one of the most potent anabolic androgenic steroids that help users to gain massive muscle mass and strength. It is also known as the King of muscle mass. Due to its high anabolic and androgenic properties, women can not use Anadrol. It may cause virilization effects in women even with lower Anadrol dosage. So, women should avoid it.

Anadrol is an ideal steroid compound for bulking purposes. It promotes significant muscle mass, strength and overall performance. It helps users to grow their muscle mass quickly. Due to its high potency, users may face various side effects if they take high doses or use it long-term.

Based on a research study, Anadrol is beneficial for HIV treatments. Anadrol is the best bulking steroid even for beginner users as it provides effective results. This article will describe the best Anadrol cycle, including its dosage information, benefits and possible side effects.


I. What Is Anadrol?

Anadrol is a potent anabolic steroid that is derived from DHT or dihydrotestosterone. It has an active half-life of around 8 to 9 hours and is available in oral form. Anadrol is the brand name of Oxymetholone. Anadrol has an excellent ability to add massive bulk muscle mass in a short time period.

When it comes to medical use, Anadrol is used to treat muscle wasting diseases to put quick weight through increasing appetite in users, which encourages muscle mass growth. Initially, it was developed to treat anaemia.

Anadrol has positive effects on red blood cell production, so it provides incredible strength, power and energy so users can do more intense workouts and grow their muscle mass quickly. You can find Anadrol steroids for sale from all over the internet.



II. Anadrol Effects In The Body

Anadrol provides both positive and negative effects on the human body. It depends on the Anadrol dosage and cycle duration that you’re performing. When users consume the correct Anadrol dose with the right stack and follow the recommended cycle duration, they will get numerous positive effects in terms of bodybuilding, such as:

  • Quick muscle mass growth
  • Massive muscle mass gain
  • Faster recovery from muscle injuries
  • Increase red blood cell production
  • Increase appetite
  • Increase protein synthesis
  • Excellent for bulking phase
  • Increase strength, power and stamina
  • Increase overall performance
  • Reduce body fats
  • Beneficial effect on ligaments and joints


Anadrol treatment results


When users use its high dose or use it for the long term, it may cause various adverse side effects that affect their health. Here are the common side effects of Anadrol that users may face:

  • Gynecomastia (Increase men’s breast)
  • Water retention
  • Dizziness
  • Mood changes
  • Vomiting and Nausea
  • Testosterone suppression
  • Increase bad cholesterol level
  • High blood pressure

Users can avoid all the above side effects by following the recommended dosage with protection. It is important to perform the post-cycle therapy at the end of the Anadrol cycle because it may save you from various Anadrol side effects. It is not necessary that users will face all the above side effects because it depends on different factors such as Anadrol doses, cycle duration and user’s age. Always avoid high dose and long-term use of Anadrol.

III. Anadrol Dosage Information

Users can consume the Anadrol dosage based on their experience levels. THe general Anadrol dosage is 50 mg to 100 mg per week, and users can take it for four to six weeks. Here is the best-recommended dosage that male users can take it based on their experience levels:

  • Beginner users can consume 50 mg to 70 mg per day.
  • Intermediate users can take it 70 mg to 100 mg per day
  • Advanced level users can take 100 mg per day.

Some advanced users take 300 mg per day but remember high doses of Anadrol are not good for health, so before using them, take advice from our professional experts.


IV. Anadrol Cycle Information

Users can perform Anadrol only cycle for bulking and cutting purposes. Moreover, they can stack Anadrol with other anabolic steroids to get more effective results. Here are some best-recommended Anadrol cycle that users can use based on their individual goals:

→ Anadrol: Only Cycle

Week Anadrol
Week 1 25 mg per day
Week 2 25 mg per day
Week 3 25 mg per day
Week 4 50 mg per day
Week 5 50 mg per day
Week 6 50 mg per day

→ Anadrol Stack Cycle For Massive Muscle Mass Gain

Week Anadrol Dianabol
Week 1 50 mg per day 30 mg per day
Week 2 50 mg per day 30 mg per day
Week 3 50 mg per day 30 mg per day
Week 4 75 mg per day 30 mg per day
Week 5 75 mg per day 30 mg per day
Week 6 75 mg per day 30 mg per day

Hilma Biocare – Dianabol + Anadrol- Oral Steroids (8 weeks)

→ Anadrol Stack Cycle For Bulking Purposes

Week Anadrol Testosterone Deca Durabolin
Week 1 200 mg 400 mg
Week 2 200 mg 400 mg
Week 3 50 mg per day 400 mg 400 mg
Week 4 50 mg per day 400 mg 400 mg
Week 5 100 mg per day 400 mg 400 mg
Week 6 100 mg per day 500 mg 400 mg
Week 7 100 mg per day 500 mg 400 mg
Week 8 100 mg per day 500 mg 400 mg
Week 9 100 mg per day 500 mg 400 mg
Week 10 100 mg per day 200 mg 400 mg

→ Anadrol Stack Cycle For Cutting Purposes

Week Anadrol Winstrol
Week 1 50 mg per day 20 mg per day
Week 2 50 mg per day 20 mg per day
Week 3 100 mg per day 25 mg per day
Week 4 100 mg per day 25 mg per day
Week 5 100 mg per day 25 mg per day
Week 6 100 mg per day 25 mg per day
Week 7 100 mg per day
Week 8 100 mg per day

Note: Anadrol steroids are not good for cutting; even when you consume them with Clen or Winstrol, they are not suitable for bulking. So, this cycle is generally not helpful.

V. Anadrol Post-cycle Therapy

Anadrol causes testosterone suppression like other anabolic steroids. So it is essential to perform the post-cycle therapy at the end of the Anadrol cycle. When users consume Anadrol, it will suppress or shut down the natural production of testosterone levels, so a good PCT cycle helps to start the reproduction of hormone levels.

A PCT cycle helps users to boost testosterone levels and grab their body to its normal state as it was before. Users can use different supplements such as Clomid, Nolvadex and HCG to perform the post cycle therapy after the Anadrol cycle.

Users can consume:

  • Tamoxifen (Nolvadex): 2 x 20 mg for 21 days
  • Clomiphene (Clomid): 2 x 50 mg for 21 days
  • HCG: 2000 IU every other day for 20 days


VI. Where To Buy Anadrol?

Anadrol drugs are illegal in many countries; thus, bodybuilders are forced to buy Anadrol from th black market. Users can buy Anadrol from local pharmacies or from different eCommerce websites which are 100% authentic and original. Users can buy Anabol steroids online from the best website.

Many websites nowadays sell fake products that affect users’ health, so buying 100% original products is necessary to get effective results. Don’t purchase counterfeit products or legal alternatives to anabolic steroids.



Anadrol is a potent anabolic steroid that is used to gain significant muscle mass and strength. Anadrol is a slow-acting and oral compound that helps users to gain huge muscle mass. It is also helpful to reduce body fats and improve overall physical performance. It is three times more powerful than testosterone, so it gives effective results in terms of bodybuilding when you use them correctly.

A high dose and long-term use of Anadrol cause various side effects, so avoid them. Before using Anadrol, you need to consult your doctor, check out a full-body, and make sure you’re not facing any medical diseases. If you have any pre-medical condition going, you should avoid Androl.

It is necessary to perform the post-cycle therapy after the Anadrol cycle because it highly suppresses the natural production of testosterone levels. Users need to take proper diet and training workouts during the Anadrol cycle because both of these factors are important to get more effective results.

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