The Best Anabolic Steroids for Weight Gain and Lean Muscles

There are many bodybuilders all over the world that really do not know what steroids to use to gain weight and lean muscles. Many bodybuilders are torn between getting fake steroid alternatives and real anabolic steroids online.

This post aims at explaining what anabolic steroids are while also highlighting three real bulking steroids that you can now buy online. In addition, you will learn more about these anabolic steroids including their dosages, possible side effects, and where you can buy them today.


I. What exactly is an Anabolic Steroid?

Anabolic-androgenic steroids otherwise abbreviated as AASs are synthetic derivatives of naturally occurring testosterone. Testosterone is the main male hormone responsible for many bodily functions including building muscle mass, increasing bone structure, improving libido, and so on.

Endogenous testosterone (i.e. testosterone in its natural state) is responsible for the primary traits of puberty in teenagers. It is responsible for deepening the voice, increasing body and facial hair growth, height, sex drive, and skeletal muscles.

On the other hand, anabolic steroids are exogenous testosterone that help to amplify the muscle building and performance-enhancing characteristics that are obtained with endogenous testosterone.

Anabolic steroids provide weight and muscle gains, and also improve your strength, power, energy, agility, stamina, aggression (in a positive way), and overall endurance level.


Strength, Power, Energy, Endurance


Many bodybuilders use anabolic steroids mainly because of the bodybuilding benefits highlighted. AASs are used in three primary ways and these include: Cycling, Stacking, and Pyramiding. With cycling, bodybuilders use oral or injectable steroids over a predetermined period of time or cycle. Once the cycle is completed, the bodybuilders will take some time off from using the AASs.

During their time off, bodybuilders would normally engage in post-cycle therapy or PCT. PCT involves using anti-estrogen drugs like Clomid, Proviron or Nolvadex to help to regulate the endogenous hormonal levels of the steroid user.

Stacking involves the use of more than one AAS with each steroid having their own predetermined cycle. With pyramiding, a bodybuilder will increase their AAS dosage gradually (over a period of time) until they attain peak dosage. Once the peak dosage is achieved, the steroid user will then gradually reduce the AAS dosage they consume.

While there are many anabolic steroids online, this post will highlight three AASs that are perfect for weight and lean muscle mass gains. These three AASs are Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, and Turinabol.


II. What is Dianabol?

Dianabol is the most popular brand name for an orally taken AAS known as Methandrostenolone. Dianabol or Dbol was first synthesized by an American medical doctor known as John Bosley Ziegler back in the 1950s.

For more that five decades, Dbol has been one of the most sought after bodybuilding steroids for running bulking cycles. Bodybuilders buy Dianabol because of its easy mode of administration. Dianabol is also time tested and proven to give users a number of bodybuilding benefits including:

  • Increased red blood cell production,
  • enhanced athletic performance including increased energy, strength, stamina,
  • and aggressiveness,
  • improved nitrogen retention,
  • greater protein synthesis,
  • increased free testosterone,
  • bigger, leaner pumps, and a
  • faster rate of recovery (from skeletal muscle injury).



#1: Dianabol Dosage for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Bodybuilders

Male bodybuilders just starting-off (for the first time) a bodybuilding training program are advised to begin with a low Dianabol dosage. Typically, a daily Dbol dosage of between 15 mg to 30 mg is ideal over a 4 to 6 week cycle.

However, intermediate male bodybuilders can run a 4 to 6 week cycle with a daily Dbol dosage of between 30 to 50 mg. Advanced male bodybuilders or International Federation of BodyBuilding and Fitness (IFBB) level professionals may take a daily dosage of 100 mg over a 4 week Dbol cycle.

Beginner female bodybuilders can take a daily Dbol dosage of between 2.5 to 5 mg for 4 to 6 weeks. However, intermediate and advanced female bodybuilders can run a dosage of between 10 to 20 mg over a 4 to 6 week Dbol cycle.

Dbol can and should be taken without you consuming any food. Oral AAS are fat soluble compounds which make them less effective when consumed with food. When Dbol is taken while you consume dietary fat, the steroid will dissolve and the amount of Dbol compound absorbed by your gastrointestinal tract would be significantly reduced.

In other words, consuming food while taking Dbol may reduce the bioavailability of the AAS. So in order to experience the optimal bulking benefits of Dbol, you are advised to consume the drug on an empty stomach.

#2: Dbol Popular Stacks

  • Dbol & Test Stack:

For enhanced strength and skeletal muscles, you should run a Dbol and Test cycle with the following dosages

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
500 mg of Test per week 500 mg of Test per week 500 mg of Test per week 500 mg of Test per week and 30 mg of Dbol daily, 500 mg of Test per week and 30 mg of Dbol daily, 500 mg of Test per week and 30 mg of Dbol daily, 500 mg of Test per week and 30 mg of Dbol daily, 500 mg of Test per week and 30 mg of Dbol daily,
  • Dbol & Adrol Stack:

Experienced level bodybuilders can run a Dbol and Adrol (Anadrol) cycle for greater bulking gains. Liver protection medication should be included in this cycle to protect your liver from drug-induced damage. You can run a 4 to 8 week Dbol and Adrol cycle. However, you should consult your physician and/or bodybuilding coach before running this stack.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol per day 30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol per day 30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol per day 30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol daily 30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol daily 30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol daily 30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol daily 30 to 50 mg of Dbol and 50 to 100 mg of Adrol daily.A post-cycle therapy

A post-cycle therapy plan should also be in place after this stack. You can also consult with your physician or trainer for the best PCT plan for you.

#3. Possible Side effects of Dbol

Normally, Dbol is well-tolerated and gentle to your organs. Dianabol has little or no side effects to worry about, especially when used according to recommended dosages and cycles. However, Dbol users may experience varying degrees of side effects depending on several factors. Some of these factors include:

  • Body weight: The Dbol dosage used should be dependent on your body mass index or BMI.
  • Gender: Female users should use a more conservative dosage than male users because of their BMI and genetic structure.
  • Dosage and Cycle: To avoid strain on your vital organs like your liver and kidneys, you should run a short oral steroid cycle and use safe dosages. Avoid misusing or abusing oral steroids.
  • Genetics: Before you run a steroid cycle, you should ensure that you do not have a genetic predisposition or reaction to the drug.
  • Underlying Health Concerns: If you have health issues make sure to consult your physician before using Dbol or any other steroid for that matter.

In extreme cases (or misuse or abuse), Dbol users may be subjected to any of the following side effects:

  • Acne,
  • male pattern baldness,
  • fluid retention,
  • development of male boobs (gynecomastia),
  • masculinization in female users,
  • suppressed endogenous testosterone production,
  • roid rage,
  • high blood pressure, and
  • liver damage.


III. What is Deca Durabolin?

Deca Durabolin or Deca for short is a brand name for the injectable AAS known as Nandrolone. You can purchase this anabolic steroid online if you want to achieve sustainable bulking gains, as Deca consists of long esters that offer slow-acting, but very effective (over a long period of time) bodybuilding properties.Deca is a safe AAS that promotes harder, leaner, and vascular skeletal muscle mass gains by increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis in muscle tissue.Deca also promotes an increase in collagen production which improves bone density while also enhancing quick recovery from torn tendons and ligaments.Deca is not hepatotoxic in nature, so you do not have to worry about the compound damaging your liver. You can also use Deca as a standalone drug or stack it with other AASs.



#1: Deca Dosage

The standard Deca cycle and Deca Durabolin dosage for achieving bulking gains is 400 mg per week administered over a 10 week cycle.

#2: Deca Popular Stacks

You can stack Deca Durabolin with other anabolic-androgenic steroids, such as: Oxymetholone (Anadrol), Testosterone, and Methandrostenolone (Dianabol).

  • Deca & Adrol Stack:

Stacking Deca with Anadrol provides increased strength and muscle gains. Anadrol also has high androgenic properties that help to prevent erectile dysfunction in men. Anadrol boosts the production of nitric acid which leads to increased penile blood flow.A typical Deca and Anadrol (Adrol) dosage for advanced level bodybuilders is as follows:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
400 mg of Adrol per week, 400 mg of Adrol per week 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Adrol per week & 50 mg of Deca per day
  • Deca & Test Stack:

A Deca and Test stack is ideal for increased skeletal muscle mass and strength during off-season. You should run a 10 week cycle as follows:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week 300 mg of Deca & 600 mg of Test per week
  • Deca & Dbol Stack:

Running a Deca and Dbol stack will further boost your muscle mass during a bulking cycle. You should run a 10 week Deca and Dbol cycle in the following ways:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
400 mg of Dbol per week 400 mg of Dbol per week 400 mg of Dbol per week and 10 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Dbol per week and 10 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Dbol per week and 20 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Dbol per week and 20 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Dbol per week and 20 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Dbol per week and 20 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Dbol per week and 20 mg of Deca per day 400 mg of Dbol per week and 20 mg of Deca per day

Note that the stacks highlighted above are for advanced level bodybuilders. You should consult with your physician and/or personal bodybuilding trainer before running any of the Deca stacks above.

#3: Deca Side effects

Deca is safe for use and as explained before, this AAS is kind to your vital organs. You are advised to not misuse or abuse this steroid. PCT is essential after every cycle, so as to restore your hormonal balance.In rare cases Deca users may experience side effects, such as:

  • Increased “bad cholesterol” levels,
  • decrease in libido or sex drive,
  • erectile dysfunction or Deca dick, and
  • suppressed endogenous testosterone.


IV. What is Turinabol?

Turinabol or Tbol is a milder version of Dbol. This orally administered AAS offers all the anabolic bulking gains of Dbol with much less estrogenic effects like fluid retention. With Tbol, you can achieve dry, hard, lean, and vascular skeletal muscle mass gains.Some of the key bodybuilding benefits of using Tbol include:

  • Dry and lean pumps,
  • increased vascularity,
  • body and visceral fat loss,
  • improved strength gains,
  • weak estrogenic and androgenic effects.



#1: Tbol Dosage

A typical Tbol cycle and dosage for male bodybuilders is 40 mg taken daily for a period of 7 weeks. Tbol has long esters which means that it offers a slow-acting effect. This is why a Tbol cycle is longer than a Dbol cycle. You can also run a Tbol cycle for 8 weeks under the advice of your physician or personal bodybuilding trainer.

Advanced level male bodybuilders can run a Tbol dosage of 80 mg per day over a 6 to 8 week cycle. But it is advised that you use liver protection medication along with Tbol during your cycle.

Female bodybuilders are advised to use 5 mg of Tbol per day over a 5 week cycle. This way they can avoid experiencing masculinization or virilization side effects. Liver protection medication can also be used during your Tbol cycle and a PCT plan is necessary afterwards.

#2: Tbol Popular Stack

  • Tbol & Test Stack:

A Tbol and Test stack is perfect for running both bulking and cutting cycles. The combination of these two anabolic-androgenic steroids will promote fat burning and lean skeletal muscle development.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
40 mg of Tbol per day and 200 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 200 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 200 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 200 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 200 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 500 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 500 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 500 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 500 mg of Test per week 40 mg of Tbol per day and 200 mg of Test per week

Stacking Tbol with Test will increase your nitric acid production and the blood flow to your penis. This stack can prevent erectile dysfunction and impotency in male users. Always consult your physician and/or coach before running a Tbol and Test cycle for your cutting or bulking program.

#3: Tbol Side effects

If Tbol is taken according to recommended dosages and cycles, you should experience little or no side effects. However, side effects may vary depending on the individual and their health status during their Tbol cycle.

Misusing or deliberately abusing Tbol can be dangerous to your health. Some of the possible side effects include; masculinization, suppression of endogenous testosterone, and liver toxicity. Having a PCT plan is the first step towards restoring a balance to your natural hormone levels.


V. Where to Buy Anabolic Steroid Online?

Whether you are looking for Dianabol, Deca Durabolin or Turinabol for sale, you can now conveniently buy genuine AASs online from PharmaHub. PharmaHub is a highly interactive, intuitive, and user friendly site.

We offer 100% genuine, pharmaceutical grade anabolic steroids produced by highly trusted pharmaceutical laboratories from around the world. Whether you are located in Europe, Asia, Africa, or America, we will deliver real anabolic steroids to your doorstep.

We offer discrete, secure, and fast delivery within 3 to 10 days in the U.S, and 5 to 15 days internationally. You can monitor your order by using the free tracking number that is attached to all orders.


VI. Conclusion

In addition, PharmaHub has over 1,000 different affordable steroids with no minimum order. We also offer free shipping in the U.S for all orders over USD $300.

If you are not sure of what anabolic steroid online to purchase, we offer free IFBB coaching and our consultants have over 10 years of practical, on-the-field experience. For your bulking regimen, use Dbol, Deca or Tbol purchased from PharmaHub today.

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