What you need to Know about Anabolic Steroid Cycle

Buy Anabolic Steroid Cycle Packs Online

For every type of bodybuilding gain, there is a training program and anabolic steroid cycle you can adopt. However, you need to be very careful when you want to buy anabolic steroid cycle packs online because of the proliferation of fake and adulterated steroids in the market. This guide informs you on all you need to know about steroid cycles and reveals where you can buy genuine steroid cycle packs online.

What is a Steroid Cycle?

A steroid cycle involves the use of an anabolic-androgenic steroid (AAS) either as a standalone drug or in combination with other steroids in a stack over a specific duration.

The duration in this case is known as a cycle and steroid cycles can be repeated over, and over again. A steroid cycle can be as short as 2 weeks or as long as 12 weeks depending on the steroids used, and your bodybuilding goals.

However, you cannot continuously run a cycle. You must take breaks after each cycle to allow your body to recover from steroid use. In most cases, you would need to practice proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) during your break and before the next cycle.

Stacks and Pyramids

Bodybuilders are also know to engage in stacking. Stacking is when two or more anabolic-androgenic steroids are combined in a cycle. With stacking, you may run steroids with varying duration or length of use. PCT usually commences after you have completed the dosage of the steroid with the longest duration of use.

A pyramid involves the use of steroids in a cycle or stack in which you start off by taking a low dosage, then gradually increase your dose until you attain a peak dosage during a cycle. Pyramiding is ideal with very strong steroids with potentially harmful side effects.

With stacks and pyramids, you further enhance your exposure to performance-enhancing and bodybuilding gains. But before you engage in both, you should consult with your doctor and/or a professional bodybuilding and performance coach. You also need to maintain a good dietary plan while running a well coordinated high interval intensity training (HIIT) and workout program.

How to Use a Steroid Cycle?

Your steroid cycle should be on the advice of your physician or personal bodybuilding trainer. Never run a steroid cycle if you have no experience in bodybuilding or steroid use.

Every cycle must follow a definite duration, length of time, or course. Indefinite cycles are extremely dangerous to your health and wellbeing. A steroid cycle may involve the use of orally taken or injectable steroids. Each drug must be administered according to a daily, every other day (EOD), or weekly dosage plan.


A dosage is just the amount of steroid(s) that you take daily, EOD, or weekly. The dosage of oral and injectable steroids are often described in milligrams (mg).


The benefits of a steroid cycle are directly linked to your intended bodybuilding goals. An anabolic steroid cycle offers bodybuilders a number of bodybuilding benefits.

Running an AAS cycle can help to…

  • Boost skeletal muscle mass,
  • Shed excessive body fat and weight,
  • Enhance athletic performance, such as; energy, endurance, strength, and stamina.

The Best Bulking (Mass Gain) Steroid Cycle

The best bulking (mass gain) steroid cycle for you will depend on whether you are a novice or a seasoned bodybuilder. As a beginner, you should exercise a lot of care with regards to the type of bulking steroid, cycle duration, and dosage that you take.

Four well known standalone mass gain AAS used by beginner bodybuilders are;

  • Dianabol or Dbol: Dbol can help boost your skeletal muscle mass by increasing protein production, and protein synthesis in your muscles. A 6 week cycle with a daily oral dosage of 30 to 50 mg is recommended.
  • Turinabol or Tbol: Tbol is also a bulking steroid that is ideal for beginners. You can run a 9 week Tbol cycle taking a daily oral dosage of 30 to 50 mg.
  • Testosterone enanthate or Test: Test is a synthetically generated derivative of endogenous testosterone hormone. An 8 week injectable Test cycle with a weekly dosage of 500 mg is good enough for beginners.
  • Primobolan: Primobolan Depot is also an intramuscular injectable beginner steroid for muscle gains. A weekly dosage of 400 mg over an 8 week period is sufficient for beginners.

There are also beginner stacks for bulking that are worth mentioning, such as;

    • Dbol/Deca stack: You can stack Dbol and Deca Durabolin for optimal muscle mass gains. Deca is administered by intramuscular injection while Dbol is taken orally. Your beginner Dbol/Deca stack cycle should look like this;

Week 1: 400 mg of Deca weekly,
Week 2: 400 mg of Deca weekly,
Week 3: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 10 mg of Dbol daily,
Week 4: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 10 mg of Dbol daily,
Week 5: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 20 mg of Dbol daily,
Week 6: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 20 mg of Dbol daily,
Week 7: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 20 mg of Dbol daily,
Week 8: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 20 mg of Dbol daily,
Week 9: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 20 mg of Dbol daily,
Week 10: 400 mg of Deca weekly with 20 mg of Dbol daily.

    • Dbol/Test stack: Your Dbol/Test stack should look like this;

Week 1: 20 mg of Dbol daily with 200 mg of Test weekly,
Week 2: 20 mg of Dbol daily with 200 mg of Test weekly,
Week 3: 25 mg of Dbol daily with 300 mg of Test weekly,
Week 4: 25 mg of Dbol daily with 300 mg of Test weekly,
Week 5: 25 mg of Dbol daily with 350 mg of Test weekly,
Week 6: 25 mg of Dbol daily with 350 mg of Test weekly.

Seasoned bodybuilders and steroid users can adopt the following stacks;

    • Test/ Bold stack: Testosterone enanthate and Boldenone should be combined over a 6 to 8 week period for muscle gains as follows;

Week 1: 500 to 1,200 mg of Test and 400 to 800 mg of Bold weekly,
Week 2: 500 to 1,200 mg of Test and 400 to 800 mg of Bold weekly,
Week 3: 500 to 1,200 mg of Test and 400 to 800 mg of Bold weekly,
Week 4: 500 to 1,200 mg of Test and 400 to 800 mg of Bold weekly,
Week 5: 500 to 1,200 mg of Test and 400 to 800 mg of Bold weekly,
Week 6: 500 to 1,200 mg of Test and 400 to 800 mg of Bold weekly.

    • Deca/Sust stack: For increased muscle mass gains, experienced bodybuilders can run a Deca Durabolin and Sustanon stack as follows;

Week 1: 200 to 600 mg of Deca with 500 to 1,200 mg of Sust weekly,
Week 2: 200 to 600 mg of Deca with 500 to 1,200 mg of Sust weekly,
Week 3: 200 to 600 mg of Deca with 500 to 1,200 mg of Sust weekly,
Week 4: 200 to 600 mg of Deca with 500 to 1,200 mg of Sust weekly,
Week 5: 200 to 600 mg of Deca with 500 to 1,200 mg of Sust weekly,
Week 6:200 to 600 mg of Deca with 500 to 1,200 mg of Sust weekly.

    • Tren/Test stack: Another experienced bodybuilder stack for running a bulking cycle is the Trenbolone and Testosterone enanthate stack. You can run a Tren/Test stack in the following way;

Week 1: 200 to 400 mg of Tren with 500 to 1,200 mg of Test weekly,
Week 2: 200 to 400 mg of Tren with 500 to 1,200 mg of Test weekly,
Week 3: 200 to 400 mg of Tren with 500 to 1,200 mg of Test weekly,
Week 4: 200 to 400 mg of Tren with 500 to 1,200 mg of Test weekly,
Week 5: 200 to 400 mg of Tren with 500 to 1,200 mg of Test weekly,
Week 6: 200 to 400 mg of Tren with 500 to 1,200 mg of Test weekly.

What is a Lean Mass Cycle

A lean mass anabolic steroid cycle is one involving the use of anabolic steroids that will promote protein production, protein synthesis, and nitrogen retention in your body.

This cycle encourages the growth of muscle mass while also increasing your metabolism and thermogenesis. In addition, a lean mass cycle will not promote water retention in your muscle tissue. You will burn excess fat even as you gain hard, vascular, and lean muscle mass.

Weight Loss Cycle

A weight loss cycle involves the use of anabolic steroids that will help you to shed body fat and lose weight by;

  • Repartitioning of any excess visceral and body fat into lean muscle mass.
  • Lipid oxidation or lipolysis is where fatty acid deposits in your body are converted to an energy source for your muscles.
  • Increasing your rate of metabolism which helps you to burn body fat and lose weight.

The best weight loss steroid cycle for bodybuilders include;

    • Anavar or Var: Oxandrolone or better known by the brand name of Anavar is an orally administered steroid that will help to repartition your body fat, promote lipid oxidation, and boost your metabolism. A typical Var cycle is as follows;

Week 1: 15 mg per day,
Week 2: 15 mg per day,
Week 3: 15 mg per day,
Week 4: 20 mg daily,
Week 5: 20 mg daily,
Week 6: 20 mg daily.

    • Winstrol or Winny: Stanozolol is popular amongst bodybuilders wishing to shed body weight. Winstrol or Winny is a well known brand name. This cutting steroid will also help you to build lean muscle mass. Below is typical oral Winny cycle;

Week 1: 10 to 40 mg daily,
Week 2: 10 to 40 mg daily,
Week 3: 10 to 40 mg daily,
Week 4: 20 to 80 mg daily,
Week 5: 20 to 80 mg daily,
Week 6: 20 to 80 mg daily.

    • Clenbuterol or Clen: Clenbuterol or Clen will promote both lipolysis and increased metabolism. This leads to you burning body fat and losing weight. Clen is also known to boost bone density and promote lean muscle mass gains. You can run a 6 to 8 week oral Clen cycle with the following daily dosage;

Week 1: 20 to 100 mg daily,
Week 2: 20 to 100 mg daily,
Week 3: 20 to 100 mg daily,
Week 4: 20 to 100 mg daily,
Week 5: 20 to 100 mg daily,
Week 6: 20 to 100 mg daily.

Strength Cycle

Most of the anabolic steroid cycles highlighted offer strength gains as well as lean muscle mass or weight loss benefits. Anavar for example, will boost your red blood cell count and increase oxygenated blood flow to your muscles. This significantly slows down lactic acid buildup in your skeletal muscles. A strength cycle is necessary for high interval intensity training (HIIT).

Endurance (Stamina) Cycle

Apart from providing weight loss gains, Var will also boost your stamina by enhancing your cardiovascular conditioning. Improved oxygenated blood flow to all parts of your body, especially your skeletal muscle tissues will also prevent lactic acid accumulation. Ultimately, your stamina level is enhanced and you can spend more time engaged in HIIT and working out in a gym.

Where to Buy Steroid Cycle Packs Online?

For where to buy steroid cycle packs online, look no further than PharmaHub. You can buy original anabolic steroids pre-packaged and ready for use. We offer bulking, weight loss, strength gain, and endurance packs.

It does not matter if you are a beginner, intermediary, or experienced bodybuilder, there is a steroid cycle pack for your peculiar bodybuilding needs. You can expect a fast delivery of your orders and IFBB pros offer free coaching on our online store.


You can run an anabolic steroid cycle for building muscle mass, achieving lean muscle mass gains, shedding body fat and weight, and enhancing your athletic performance.

A steroid cycle should be followed up with post cycle therapy (PCT) to restore hormonal balance and prevent estrogenic side effects. If you want 100% pure AAS, you can get genuine steroid cycle packs right here.

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