Pay Your Order By Bitcoin and Get -10% OFF

Bitcoin is an anonymous payment solution that transfers bitcoins (virtual money) from one account to another. Decentralized, fast and easy to use, Bitcoin is the best solution to pay your order.

1 – Get Bitcoins

If you do not have a Bitcoin yet, you can buy directly from several sites. More information onĀ

2 – Send Bitcoin to pay your order

On the chekout page, please choose BITCOIN as payment mode and copy our Bitcoin address on the order confirmation page, and note the total order amount to pay in USD, then send us the payment from your wallet.

For the daily rate BTC/USD, you can use

This Bitcoin address is unique to each order, so please do not reuse this address for another order later.

3 – Validation of your order

Once your Bitcoin payment is done, your order will be automatically validated in 48 (worked) hours and we will send your order for preparation and then shipment.

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