If you want to achieve a dry, hard, lean, shredded and vascular physique, one that would be the envy of competition-bound bodybuilders, you may want to consider running an anabolic steroid cycle that promotes weight loss while at the same time preserving muscle mass.
A Winstrol and Clenbuterol bodybuilding stack is one anabolic steroid combination you should seriously consider running during your cutting phase and along with a structured training and nutrition plan.
In this guide, you will get to know the benefits of stacking Winstrol with Clenbuterol as well as the recommended cycle duration, dosage plan, side effects and risk factors.
But first, we start with a brief overview of each anabolic steroid.
What is Stanozolol (Winstrol)?
Stanozolol or Winstrol was synthesized in a lab back in the 1960s. This anabolic steroid is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone or DHT and has been a staple performance enhancing compound in the bodybuilding community primarily for the purpose of cutting body fat, promoting muscle strength and definition.
Bodybuilding Benefits of Running a Stanozolol (Winstrol) Cycle
With Winstrol bodybuilders of all levels can expect the following:
#1. Lean, Dry, Hard, and Vascular Muscles
Winstrol or Winny is known to promote a lean, dry, hard, and vascular physique. Winny can stimulate an increase in your metabolic rate which leads to a rise in your body heat (thermogenesis) which in turn will cause lipolysis or fat burn.
#2. Enhanced Athletic Performance and Strength
Winstrol is known to boost the production of red blood cells which leads to a greater supply of oxygenated blood in muscle tissues.
The greater inflow of oxygen-rich blood in your muscles will help to slow-down lactic acid buildup in your muscles during strength training thereby preventing rapid muscle fatigue. Your muscle strength and overall athletic performance will be given a jolt by the anabolic actions of Winny.
#3. No water Retention Issues
While it is not uncommon to witness fluid retention with many anabolic steroids due to the aromatization of the steroids into estrogen, Winny does not fall into this category of steroids.
Winstrol will not cause you to experience water retention, bloating and other side effects associated with increased estrogen levels further strengthening its ability to give users a lean, shredded appearance.
Clenbuterol Overview
It must be mentioned at this point that Clenbuterol or Clen is not classified as an anabolic steroid.
This bronchodilator drug was initially prescribed by doctors for the treatment of respiratory conditions like asthma.
Clen is well-known in the bodybuilding community as a performance enhancing drug that will increase your body heat through the thermogenesis process to help quicken your fat loss goals.
Clen Benefits in Bodybuilding
#1. Body Fat Burning
By suppressing your appetite while increasing your metabolism and core temperature, Clen will promote quick subcutaneous and visceral body fat burn.
#2. Muscle Gain Preservation
With Clenbuterol, you will not lose your muscle mass gains during your cutting phase, recovery period or off-season.
#3. Increased Stamina
Clen will help to boost your energy, strength, stamina, and endurance levels by promoting increased red blood cell production leading to greater oxygen supply in your skeletal muscles causing a drop-off in muscle fatigue.
Achieve Greater Fat loss with Winstrol and Clenbuterol Stack
A Winstrol and Clenbuterol bodybuilding stack is great for any bodybuilder looking for the best of both worlds (i.e. the combined benefits of Winstrol and Clenbuterol).
With this stack, you will be able to achieve a dry, hard, lean, vascular and well-defined physique in the shortest possible time. Winny will help in preserving your skeletal muscle mass gains while at the same time promoting muscle hardness while Clen will quicken fat burn while at the same time boosting your energy levels and overall performance during your cutting phase.
The Recommended Clenbuterol and Winstrol Cutting cycle
For the safe use of Winstrol and Clenbuterol stack, it is important to consult a bodybuilder with vast knowledge and experience in running a Winny and Clen stack.
You can contact us today to reach out to an expert that will guide you on your Winny and Clen cutting cycle.
Typically, the recommended Clenbuterol and Winstrol cutting cycle should run for between 6 to 8 weeks.
For your oral Winny dosage plan, you will take anywhere from 25 to 50 mg daily while for Clen you will take between 20 and 40 mcg per day.
You can gradually increase this daily Clenbuterol oral dosage plan to 100 or 120 mcg daily.
Risk Factors Associated with the Winstrol and Clenbuterol Bodybuilding Stack
There are a few risk factors worth noting when it comes to the Winstrol and Clenbuterol bodybuilding stack and the most prominent include:
#1. Liver Toxicity
Oral Winny could potentially be harmful to your liver health due to its liver toxicity level. It is therefore important that you do not unilaterally exceed recommended cycle durations and daily dosage plans.
You should also consider including liver protection supplements to your cycle, such as; milk thistle, LIV-52, Samarin, and TUDCA.
#2. Joint Pain
You may experience joint pain as a result of the reduced fluid retention in your connective tissues. As you already know, Winny does not promote water retention when taken.
#3. Hormone Imbalance
You could experience hormone imbalance due to the possible suppression of your endogenous testosterone production whenever you stack Winstrol with Clenbuterol.
After undergoing hormonal tests to see the severity or otherwise of the suppression, you may have to run a post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocol to help regulate your hormonal levels.
#4. Raised BP and Heart Rate
Clen is known to raise both the blood pressure and heart rate of users as it stimulates the metabolic rate and central nervous system. It may therefore be dangerous for anyone with an underlying heart condition or high blood pressure (hypertension) to run an unsupervised Winny and Clen cycle.
#5. Muscle Cramps, Restlessness and Insomnia
Running a Winny and Clen stack could lead to an electrolyte imbalance which could cause tremors and muscle cramps.
To counter this, you should make sure you are hydrated at all times by drinking plenty of clean drinking water and consuming electrolyte supplements when running a Winstrol and Clenbuterol bodybuilding stack.
In addition to this, Clen causes stimulation of the central nervous system (CNS) which may lead to restlessness and even insomnia.
If you have decided today that you want a dry, hard, lean, vascular and well-defined physique, you can seriously consider running a Winstrol and Clenbuterol bodybuilding stack along with your training and dietary cutting program.
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